Long Island Neurocare Therapy
Long Island Neurocare Therapy

What is Anxious Depression Disorder?

Anxious Depression Disorder –  Depression is more than just the feeling of having a bad day. 

When our mood changes and begins interfering with our daily activities’ normal functioning, we may suffer from depression. 

Depression is a common disease all around the world. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 3.8% of the population suffers from it. This figure includes 5.0% of adults and 5.7% of adults over 60. So, in general, about 280 million people worldwide have depression. 

Experiencing occasional anxiety, on the other hand, is typical in our daily life. However, people with anxiety disorders often have intense, excessive, persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Anxiety disorders can involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of severe anxiety and fear or terror that peak within minutes (more commonly known as panic attacks). 

These feelings of anxiety and panic also interfere with daily activities. In addition, they are difficult to control and may last longer.  

Symptoms can begin either during childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood. 

Now, there is something more than having depression or anxiety; it’s having both. 

What is Anxious Depression?

Many people experience both anxiety and major depressive disorder, called Anxious Depression. This Anxious Depression comorbidity is rooted in the brain. Patients with Anxious Depression exhibit more severe depressive symptoms than nonanxious depression. 

Various neuroendocrine, neurotransmitter and neuroanatomical disruptions characterize mood and anxiety disorders. 

Major Depressive Disorder (also known as MDD) can take many different forms, and recent studies found that symptoms of anxiety also mark some instances of depression. People dealing with this form of depression, called “anxious depression,” face several shared challenges. 

To help determine whether the patient has a Major Depressive Disorder diagnosis, the patient must meet several symptomatic criteria. As a result, different depressive profiles can exist, sometimes in total opposition to each other. Anxious depression is one of those suggested profiles, one of its definitive characteristics being comorbidity with specific anxiety symptoms. 

Anxious Depression Disorder

Anxious depression generally applies to cases where the patient has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety symptoms. Research has shown that many cases of major depression also include anxiety symptoms. 

Patients who, in contrast, have been officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression would consider having comorbid anxiety and depression rather than anxious depression. 

Major Depressive Disorder, also called clinical depression, is a significant medical condition affecting many areas of your life. It impacts mood, behavior, and various physical functions such as appetite and sleep. 

MDD is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. Some investigation data suggests that more than 8.4% of adults in the U.S. experienced a major depressive episode in 2020. 

Some people with MDD never get treatment. However, most people with anxious depression disorder can learn to cope and function with treatment. Medications, psychotherapy, and other methods can effectively treat people with major depressive disorder and help them manage their symptoms. 

What causes the major depressive disorder?

Altho the exact cause of the major depressive disorder is still unknown; several factors can increase the risk of developing a major depressive disorder:

  • A combination of genes and stress can affect brain chemistry and lower your ability to maintain mood stability. 
  • Changes in the balance of hormones might also contribute to the development of MDD. 

MDD may also be triggered by: 

  • Certain medical conditions, such as cancer or hypothyroidism. 
  • Particular types of medications, including steroids. 
  • Abuse during childhood.
  • Drug or alcohol use. 

What are the most common symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder?

Based on the symptoms, feelings, or behaviors, a doctor or mental health professional can diagnose a patient with MDD.  

Some criteria of conditions may help identify MDD, such as:  

  • Experiencing a change in the previous functioning. 
  • Symptoms must occur for a period of 2 or more weeks. 
  • Feeling sad or irritable most of the day, almost every day. 
  • Feeling less interested in most of the activities that are usually enjoyable. 
  • Suddenly losing or gaining weight. 
  • Change in appetite.
  • Trouble falling asleep or wanting to sleep more than usual. 
  • Feelings of restlessness.
  • Having difficulty concentrating, thinking, or making decisions. 
  • Thoughts of self-hurting or suicide. 

TMS Therapy for Anxiety and Anxious Depression treatment

At Neurocare Centers of America, we specialize in TMS Therapy for the safe and effective treatment of Anxiety and Anxious Depression. 

Recent advancements in research have found that also Anxiety and Anxious Depression can be treated with TMS Therapy, and the FDA has cleared the TMS treatment for Anxious Depression. 

TMS Therapy offers a new path to wellness for individuals failing to find relief from their anxious depression with traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and medication. 

TMS Therapy uses magnetic-pulse technology to stimulate the underactive areas of the brain that regulate mood and behavior. These neural pathways are often underactive in the brains of individuals who suffer from depression. TMS Therapy helps your brain build and strengthen the neural pathways, offering a drug-free and non-invasive treatment option with proven long-lasting symptom relief. 

Contact us today to learn more about our TMS Therapy for Anxiety and Anxious Depression.