Long Island Neurocare Therapy
Long Island Neurocare Therapy

Neurofeedback -
Clinical Results

Innovative Technologies that Deliver Proven Results

Next-generation Neurofeedback that produces lasting changes in positive brain activity.

Clinical Outcomes

Positive changes in brain activity levels can also be seen as evidence of the effects of a complete course of Neurofeedback, illustrated in the figures below. These have been demonstrated on QEEG outputs. These images are QEEG results for two patients that received a significant reduction in Beta spindles. High Beta spindle levels (shown here in red) is characteristic of patients with sleep and impulse control problems.

Patient A

(Before = Top Row; After = Bottom Row)
Patient A Before and After

Patient B

(Before = Top Row; After = Bottom Row)
Patient B Before and After

For clinical outcomes, a completed full course of Neurofeedback results in three in four people receiving a significant improvement in their ADHD Symptoms.*

*Content Reference: 20. Arns et al. (2012).