Long Island Neurocare Therapy
Long Island Neurocare Therapy

Neurofeedback FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

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If the individual has good motivation to improve their symptoms and has good concentration during the neurofeedback sessions, typically there will be a noticeable response to treatment within 10 – 20 sessions, but 30 – 40 sessions are generally needed for the brain to retain what it has learned in the neurofeedback training and provide a long-lasting benefit. The frequency of sessions plays a big role in seeing success. See below.

Treatment sessions should be booked at least two times per week. If the individual can come more frequently than two times per week, this will help them get through their treatment program in a shorter time frame, resulting in a faster reduction of symptoms.

If sessions are continuously canceled or forgotten, and the person is not coming as frequently as two times per week, this may ultimately create the need to have more sessions than normal to see needed symptom reduction.

The efficacy of stimulant medication for treatment of ADHD will decrease with time. This will occur due to the up-regulation of the Dopamine transporter availability. As a result, as individuals continue ADHD medications they are broken down more quickly. Neurofeedback is based on operant conditioning. Therefore, once regulation of the brain is learned the effects are long-lasting. Research also shows that attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity can further improve with time and use of the training gained during the treatment course. Many people see sustained benefit after two years.19

Research and clinical experience show that 3 of 4 people can gain significant improvements in symptoms of ADHD when the treatment protocols used are those implemented by the staff at Long Island Neurocare Therapy’s clinic.20


The electrodes are just measuring (or listening to) brain activity and send that signal back into a computer for analysis.


Adults can respond positively to Neurofeedback as well.


You will need to come into the clinic to receive all the Neurofeedback treatments. The specialized technology used for treatment and the guidance provided by the experienced Neurofeedback specialist is only available in our clinic.

During treatment with Neurofeedback, you can take any prescribed medication as recommended by your physician.

Content References: 19. Jessica Van Doren et al. (2018).; 20. Arns et al. (2012).